domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Unit 4: Reporter Speech

Direct speech - Reported speech
Present simple - past simple
I play - I played

Present continuous - past continuous
I'm playing - I was playing

Present perfect simple - past perfect simple
I have played - I had played

Past simple - past perfect simple
I played - I had played

Will - would
I will play - I would play

Can - Could
I can play - I could play

Must - Had to
I must play - I had to play

When we convert direct speech into reported speech.

Reported statements: other changes

When we convert direct speech into reported speech:
-Most modal verbs do not change: should, could, would, might, ought to..
-Pronouns usually change.
-Expressions of time and place usually change:
Direct speech - Reported speech
Here - There
This - That
These - Those
Now - Then
Next week - The following week
Today - That day
Tonight - That night
Tomorrow - The following day
Yesterday - The day before
Last week - The week before

Reported commands and requests

Commands: Tell + object + infinitive (with to) 
Request: Ask + object + infinitive (with to)

 Negative command or request in reported speech:

Subject + verb + object + not + infinitive (with to)

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